I network regularly and talk to lots of small business owners that would love to do videos for their website, but they just don't have the budget to do it professionally. So what do they do? They often produce their own "selfie" videos, using their phone, tablet or inexpensive consumer cameras. The result? Not so professional videos!
The most common errors I see in self made videos are, poor sound quality, bad lighting, lousy framing, and scattered or unclear messages. This is not a great way of branding your business, and if you read the latest marketing surveys, branding is huge. So what does a small business do? Why not learn how to make better videos on your own? I can help you do that!
I am putting together a webinar/workshop, that will show you how to vastly improve your self made videos, with a few easy to implement and inexpensive tips. Look for a posting in April for date(s) on this event. Call or email me if you would like to learn more. Also, check out our Video Consulting Calls, where we can help you create great videos over the phone or via a skype session.
Mike Connell 978-935-0373 or michael@kcvisualsunlimited.com