Work Your 2015 Plan
The holidays have come and gone and its time to get back to work. 2015 is here. Is your plan for the year in place? If you haven't written your plan, get to it now! Some business people fly by the seat of their pants and just go with the flow, but most of us try and do some planning. It's best to write your plan down and review it frequently so you can measure your results as the year goes on. Set at least one or two major goals for the year and keep them posted so you have a constant reminder. Make your goals realistic and achieveable, but don't be afraid to dream big. Seeing your dreams written down makes them more tangible and reachable, so there's no harm in striving to be the best you can be!
Once your goals are written, you need to add the Action Steps required to attain those goals. Daily planners are a great place to write down your action steps needed each day. Others use software programs like Evernote to plan and track their activities. Whatever system you use, the real results come from action and execution of your plan. I recently adopted a four step process I learned from Orrin Woodward's book, Resolved, 13 Resolutions for Life, Plan, Do, Check, Adjust (PDCA). Simply put, plan your action, do it, check or review how you did, and then make adjustments accordingly. This suggested process can be applied to all areas of your life, so it made great sense to me. Let's all get committed now, and work our 2015 Plan!
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Accelerate Your Video Marketing in 2015
In the spirit of planning, what are your video marketing plans for 2015? You already know video is popular, but just how popular is it? Well, the answer is, so popular and powerful, you can't ignore it any more. Check out these statistics...
January is Weight-Loss Awareness Month
Networking Events in January
Greater Boston Referral Networking Mass Professional Networking Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2015 Monday, Jan. 26, 2015 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Stadium Quincy Howl at the Moon 1495 Hancock St. 184 High St. Quincy, MA 02169 Boston, MA 02110 Greater Boston Referral Networking Greater Boston Referral Networking Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm British Beer Company Westin Seaport Hotel 120 Worcester Rd. 425 Summer St. Framingham, MA 01702 Boston, MA 02210 [dt_divider style="thin" /]
Video Tips For You
One of the most common shortfalls I see in amateur or self-produced videod, is the quality of the audio or sound. You can improve your videos substantially, just by using a wireless lav mic clipped to your on-screen and voice over talent, or by using a directional or shotgun mic to pick up the sound. Most video cameras have microphone inputs to record audio, or you can pick up an H4N digital recorder to gather the sound. Either way, being able to clearly hear your message will dramatically increase the quality of your videos and lead to your desired results. Here's a link to B&H Photo/Video, where you can see some fairly inexpensive professional wireless mic systems.
Our Latest Video
Check out our latest video on Youtube. It's a promo for Video Sales Letters, or VSLs, the latest online conversion tool all the top internet marketers are using to convert sales at a high level. Hope you Like it.
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