Dreams and visions are your life goals, where and what you'd like to be in an ideal world. If you don't have dreams you will most likely stay in the same dreary place. Like most people, I have dreams and fantasies about living large, having the beautiful house and gorgeous girl, traveling all the time, and time freedom to enjoy life as much as possible. However, the reality is, I have a long way to go before any of that happens. So, here's may Kangen Story.
2000 was the turn of the century and a new millenium, but it seemed like a walk in the dark for me. My dad died in March of 2000, after suffering a massive stroke several months before that. It was hard to watch him in such a debiliated state, and when he did finally pass, it was a blessing at that point. Through it all, my mom was a rock for my large family.
2001 was no easier a year. I was working a stressful job in Tech Support along with my video production business, and not eating properly. This all culminated in a heart attack brought on by clogged arteries. I was lucky to have survived, since I had two totally blocked arteries, and the third was 90 percent blocked. The attack resulted in a 5-way by-pass operation that gave me new life. However, it only gave pause to a marriage that was falling apart, mostly because I worked too much.
September 11, 2001 is date that will live in infamy, and along with a stock market crash, finished off a very rough year for me. My ex-wife and I got divorced the next year, and this was awfully tough on my 7 year old son. I can still hear him saying, "I don't want you to get divorced", through tear filled eyes. That little face and voice broke my heart, and I don't believe he ever really recovered from our split. And to add insult to injury, our retirement plan had already lost 60 percent in the market plunge, so when we divided the remaining funds 50-50, it didn't leave much of a savings plan. My 401-K had become a 101 F!
Moving on after the divorce, I met a woman and we lived together for about 7 years. I sold my house and used the money to invest in a Florida condominium in 2005, something I had always wanted to do. The real estate market bubble was growing towards its peak, and I paid $275K for a 3 BR condo, and believed it would still grow in value, which it did for a couple more years. Then in 2008 the bubble burst, and Florida was one of the worst hit areas. My southern Florida investment was now 20 thousand leagues under the sea, and I no longer had any equity in the property. Too make it even more painful, the rents also plunged, so I was losing money on the cash flow side as well.
At this point in my career, I was making over 6 figures, between my full-time job and my video production business, so I figured I could weather the storm til the values bounced back. The old cup is half full theory. But it was too optimistic to be true. In 2009, the woman I loved told me she no longer loved me, my world began to crumble one more time. I moved out and had to find my own place, which meant larger expenses and lots of lonliness. But the fall wasn't finished. I went to Florida to visit my lifelong best friend, and we had a horrible argument, and didn't speak for years. When I returned to Boston I was laid off from my job of 12 years. In the span of a few months, I lost my love, my best friend, and my full-time job with its benefits. I had hit rock bottom, or so I thought.
In 2010 the job market was very difficult. Through the unemployment office, I was able to get some training in various aspects of IT, and since I couldn't find a full time job, I started taking short term contracts doing Help Desk work. It was nice while it lasted, but eventually that well went dry, and the only full time jobs I could find were at half of what I use to make. So I decided to ramp my video business up to full-time status and focus on finding new business. To say this has been a challenge would be an understatement. The past few years have been a roller coaster ride with some of the leanest years I have ever been through. I have run up 10s of thousands in credit card debt just to pay my bills. There have been many times I wanted to just give up, but my faith in God keeps me going. Plus I don't want my son to ever believe it's okay to quit. So I keep going forward.
Cash flow, or lack thereof, keeps me from putting any money into retirement, and what I do have in savings isn't enough to ever retire fully. This pushed me into trying to find other streams of income. I began to look at Network Marketing businesses, and found ACN, a company selling telecom and other essential services that we all use every day. When I saw this business I thought it was a no-brainer, that everyone should love it, and join my in my quest to return to greatness. Well, that belief was shortlived. Many people mistakenly look at network marketing or MLMs as pyramid schemes, or scams, This is unfair, and in most cases, entirely untrue. Anyways, I struggled to get anywhere in ACN and have tried several other businesses as well. In order to succeed, you do need to work hard, and you also need help and buy-in from friends and family, if you are going to make it. I got neither. But I did still believe in networkin marketing as a means to succeed. I saw enough people make some good money to know that it can be done.
Then tragedy struck again in 2014. My friend and mentor at ACN, Kirk Walsh, and two other friends, Maryanne and Johnny, were killed in a horrible carbon monoxide poisoning incident. They had returned from a convention and went to sleep, and never woke up again. One other friend, Keith, survived, but is still in a rehab facility today. This horrific event dealt a terrible blow to families, friends, and our local ACN team. Many people drifted away from the business, myself included, though I am still a member.
Several months later, my oldest brother Tim had a very sudden and catastrophic stroke, and passed away. This is very personal to me, but I will say it was devastating, and stays with me today. I miss him dearly. My mom watched her son die, and went down hill from that point. She passed away earlier this year, in January. I miss my mom dearly.
Today I work very hard at trying to build my video business. I network a ton, I go to sales training, I read alot of helpuful content, and I listen to motivational speakers. We call this personal growth. Business has been better this year than it has been in a long while, a long climb from the worst business period ever, the winter of 2015.
Now comes the hope. Several months ago, a friend of mine, Jim Kim, shared some water with me, touting the health benefits of this magical alkaline water. It's called Kangen Water™, and this water filtration/ionization system has transformed my life. There are many health benefits to drinking Kangen Water, which is like having an anti-oxidant delivery system right at my kitchen sink. Our bodies are 70 percent water, so why not drink the cleanest and healthiest water on the planet? But what makes this even more special, is the business opportunity that goes with it. The compensation plan is generous and lucrative, and is so good, it is patented. You have to see it to believe it. I have had more success selling these machines in the past few months, than I have in all my other network marketing ventures combined. The secret is, just Share the Water!
The greatest gift from this water, though, is hope. There were times over the past 15 years where I just wanted to give up, but faith and family have helped me get through that despair. Now I believe in the future. I feel better because I drink this healthier water and I look better. I'm not out of my financial mess yet, but I do have it managed at this point, and I know it will get even better over time. My dog Kody loves the water too, and has his own blog now, Kody's Kold Kangen Korner.
The business model is the best I've seen in the network marketing or relationship marketing arena. The compensation plan is based solely on selling machines and other enagic products. You get points for every machine sold and the commissions are very generous. You don't have to recruit anybody if you prefer, but it makes sense to sign up as an affiliate or distributor, since the payback can be lucrative. I have been very happy with my return on investment so far.
I hope my story helps somebody out there that needs a lift. Call me anytime just to talk. If you want to find out more about Kangen Water, click the button below to see an amazing demonstration of all the benefits to drinking Kangen Water™. If you want to tray the water, I can help you get a 21 Day Free Trial. Call me at 978-640-1900 or 978-935-0373 or email me michael@kcvisualsunlimited.com Improve Your Health.... Increase Your Wealth.... Drink Kangen Water!
If you just want to buy one of Enagic's Gold Standard Cerified Machines, click the Buy a machine button below, and it will take you to HBSU Clean Water Solutions. Just click the Which Kangen Water Machine is right for you picture below and then click the Order Now tab. Please call me at 978-935-0373 and I will help you with the order processing. Thank you!