HBSU is proud to say we have our first ever published book, called "Video Marketing Made Easy", and it is available now Amazon.com. This is the first in a series of books we will produce to help you create your own great videos and video marketing campaigns.
Video Marketing has become a buzzword. You want to use video to tell your story online but you can't really afford it right now. So what do you do? You start shooting your own videos and creating your own video marketing campaigns, using this book to guide you every step of the way. Video Marketing Made Easy will help you acquire affordable equipment to make your videos polished and professional. It will help you plan for every phase, pre-production, production, editing, and posting your videos. - excerpt from "Video Marketing Made Easy"
Our mission here at HBSU and KC Visuals Unlimited is to help you tell your story and enhance your brand online using video. We understand that not every small business or independent professional has the budget to afford professionally produced videos for their website and social media site. However, we still encourage you to post videos that you create yourself, so why not make them as good as you can get them? Here's a few simple tips to make great videos that enhance your brand and tell your story to the world.
The first tip is, KEEP YOUR VIDEOS SHORT. Surveys show that the sweet spot for video is between 60 and 90 seconds. This means you need to grab your audience attention, share some great content with them, and then call them to action, all in a very short time period. But it is doable, so plan what you are going to say carefully, and deliver your message concisely.
The Second tip is to GRAB YOUR AUDIENCE'S ATTENTION right off the bat. There's many ways you can do this. Say something provocative, or ask a poignant question; use an eye catching visual or motion graphic to spark immediate interest; ignite loud sounds like explosions, tires screeching, or a catchy toon may excite and lure your audience into watching more. Whatever you use, ithe idea is to grab their attention and then lead them down the path to learning more about you and the solutions you offer to help alleviate their pain or increase their pleasure.
Next, SHARE SOME GREAT CONTENT, that helps the audience solve one of their problems or issues, and leaves them wanting more from you. You don't want to share too much, just enough to wet their appetite and look to learn more about you and your business.
Finally, you want to call your audience to action. There's many effective ways to call the audience to the next step in your marketing funnel. You can ask them to call you on the phone, email you, click a button and go to a landing page where they can optin to an email campaign or newsletter, or download a free gift, like a white paper or pdf file. Whatever you choose, the most important thing is to acquire contact information from your prospect, usually email and/or phone, so you can establish a relationship, nuture and lead your prospect down the path to becoming a customer, and ultimately, a raving fan. Not bad for a 60 second video, eh?
If you aren't currently using video to tell your story, you really do need to start now. Experts like Gary Vaynerchuk, internet marketing guru, guarantee you won't survive online if you aren't using video. Our book will help you get started, and guide you all the way through, so download the book today. Click on the picture to order on Amazon. It's just $2.99.
If you'd like Video Coaching to help you through the process of creating your videos, Mike Connell is available to help you every step of the way. Click the picture or button below to learn more about the book and our new Video Coaching service.
Video Marketing Made Easy is loaded with tips that will help you improve your videos and create effective marketing campaigns. If you'd like additional help and consultation, learn about Video Coaching from HBSU. Learn more by clicking the button below.